
Posted on 5:05 PM by ken | 0 comments

I was asked "what makes a guy fool around"?

I could not answer that question, i do not have an answer.

If i were to give a wild guess, here's my opinion

Here is some facts maybe u girls do not know,

All Guys are perverts believe me on this, i'm a guy i know
99% of guys masturbate at least once in their life
60% of guys have to masturbate at least once every few months
45% guys masturbate everyday

Don't be going Disgusted, girls are the same. i don't mean by percentage, but it's proven that girls too are just as horny as guys. So what makes guys seen just much hornier. It's just that guys are okay with telling their friends what they did, girls do not. Girls keeps it to themselves. So next time if u hear it from your guys friends that they masturbate dun Go Eeeee~~~. Come on behind that closed door of yours, u might be going Wild too.

Back to the topic so why guys fool around?

I'll say it's society at fault,
I'm saying is, it's their friends, their environment that made them who they are. If you're a person whom get influence easily, you'll blend into your surroundings. Same thing, if your environments is full of guys that fools around you'll think it's okay to fool around too, since your friends are doing it too. I'm not saying all guys are easily influenced, how about those people whom have strong beliefs and people whom stand their ground in what they believe. They will be the one making the change, the ones that influence others.

Another point to be made, the importance of Sex. Youths in our generation have taken sex to a whole new level, right now pornography could be access by any age with just a click. With curiosity how can anyone not seen pornography before? Once seen you would want to try it right? There comes the crave for their first time having sex.
Sex is like a drug, once u tried you would think it's okay for the second time. Without proper idea what sex is, u will get hooked and it's gameover! Right NOW many youths just Gamed over.


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