Posted on 9:44 AM
by ken
| 0
Past few days have been feeling strong guilt towards the people i've hurt, especially you, I know i've taken u for granted, i guess it's retribution that i'm in this state, so what goes around comes around yeah? All i wanted to say is how sorry i am, i've ill-treated you, you wanted me to send u home but i have excuses, u wanted me to hold your hand but i didn't want to, u wanted me to have lunch with you but i had it with my friends. i guess i'm just too much of a bastard to be with anyone, i even have the guts to two time, i've truly regretted...really regretted. I'm sorry for blaming you for everything i couldn't do. Will there be a day when i could receive that much care from someone ever again?
I'm sorry
Posted on 9:29 AM
by ken
| 0
Last night, had a unforgettable dream. what are dreams? Are they reliable? People says what happens in the dreams appears opposite in reality. Isit the truth? I usually forget my dream, but why i could remember this particular dream. Why this dream?
Dreams about u had always been beautiful, Is this a sign? I'm very paranoid, i'm too affected. Would you tell me what is wrong?
5 Mac Chicken, 2 Cheese Burger, 5 Mac Furry. Is something i remember, what continues i shall keep it to myself.
I once had a horrible nightmare, there's someone chasing me with a gun down a street under construction. I ran with my life depends on it, from a corner my dad pulled me in, thought everything is going to be alright, Never to know my dad pull the trigger on my head. I Could still remember that feel of having a gun pointed at my head. I woke up straight after he pulled the trigger, all i could remember, i was crying without noticing.
Posted on 3:34 PM
by ken
| 0
i was once boy
now i am man
with amounts feeling
living in a different world
i wonder what would happen
when i grow old
who would be at my side
would it be you
for the days we have spent
the smile on your face
the times we ran
the tears we cried
the rainbows we saw
the fireworks we've seen
it's nearly gone
but yet found
it's hard to loose
once given up
and yet i've return
i wonder how it's going to end
wonder how much time i had left
Posted on 9:33 AM
by ken
| 0
D@y one,
Had a awesome plane ride even though it's my second plane ride, i'm still afraid of taking plane rides, few thousands feet above sea level. Damn, after i enter the plane i'm already planning how to escape when there's a terrorist attack or a engine break down. AFTER stepping out of the plane, FUYou!!! Chills Cold shiver Ice blizzard hailstorm, it mother fucking hell a-hole cold. The weather makes genting pussy, genting = pussy weather. Took a bus ride to suzhou, got to say the canal here is fking different from singapore's canal. i bet fish could live in their canal, in singapore you could only find dead bodies.
D@y two,
I'm fucking tired, i'm fucking tired, i'm mother fucking tired.
D@y Three,
Birthday celebration, we had KFC idea.....the chicken might be smaller in size, but the taste beats the ones in singapore. But their popcorn chicken SUCKS. well in all their dishes only 1 is good, the rest simply sucked max. And China people fking love soya bean, u could almost soya bean in all F&B restaurant. I feel like a fucking million bucks when doing shopping, LIKE A FUCKING BOSS WITH CASH!!!! I'm mother fucking RICH, hahas _|_.
Lets talk abt the girls here, 10 girls only 1 look decent, 20 girls only 1 looks HOT.
Conclusion singapore girls are much better.
Traffic here, what more can i say then their all mother fucking BIG BALL bosses. My balls shrink to peanut size just by crossing the road, I saw no one speeding? No Sports Bike? No SportCars? damn!!!!
Peace out from China(*Suzhou*)
Lost track of time, have no idea hw many days left.
Posted on 11:38 PM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 9:53 PM
by ken
| 0
Would u believe me if i say i love u so damn much.
Posted on 2:09 AM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 4:30 PM
by ken
| 0
what can a packet do?
What can 3 sticks do?
What can i do with the rest?
Why am i doing this?
Posted on 1:26 AM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 1:19 AM
by ken
| 0
what am i going to do?
i really need a answer right now
it feels so pathetic
why am i going through this again
they say i'm crazy
laughing at myself
what am i seriously doing
who am i lying
am i that desperate?
i sit by myself
talking to myself
am i just a fool?
who talks to himself
the first time was beautiful
the next time was sensational
the last time was unbelievable
just now was i don't know............
Posted on 1:00 AM
by ken
| 0
So what isit about love that craves people into going blind, ever ask yourself what isit you see in that person you're always thinking of.
Isit alright for someone to cross path with another just to gain your happiness?
So whats right and whats wrong? whose gona answer those questions, whose gona judge?
Isit gona be myself?
Why isit so confusing, when i already know the answer to all?
Why isit that i don't feel anything? Why does it feel like i'm devastated? What am i feeling? I have no idea.
Should i give myself sometime to think through things? or should i just burst through without thinking and just give it all through raw thoughts. Which is the way out? I'm confused. Is confusion the answer? is confusion the hint?
What is the answer? what should i do? What are you trying to hint? What am i doing?
Posted on 11:00 PM
by ken
| 0
I wanna murder someone now!!!!
Not angry with anyone...dun get the wrong idea.
Man i'm stress with school work even though i dun do much...fucking hate projects to the max...especially projects with alot of writing!!!!! i fucking hate to write. Some problems with grouping is they just wait for things to happen, waiting someone to start queue...Ji bai really wanna fuck them up. Knn really sometimes cannot take it, just wanna heck care all.stress max!!!
School really have been really!!! i say really!!! or should i say my class, Fucking full of hypocrites!!!! Please for fuck sake dun judge anyone just with rumors or gossips, if u think just judging him with what other "tom dick harry"'re just a pitiful lowlife low self-esteem piece of fuck. So stop being a hypocrite you just disgust me...Judging others and yet telling yourself not to judge? Fuck you
Now i shall fuck myself!!! i'm really to the limit of breaking my limit!?!? Wtf?
i wanna just kill myself right now!!! really given up on love, Even though i have feelings for anyone...just have to keep myself shut till the feeling ends. Call me coward call me pussy...i just cant take it anymore.
Cant take it anymore
Posted on 11:29 PM
by ken
| 0
Yeah, love is pain
Dedicated to all my broken-hearted people
One's old a flame
Just scream my name
And I'm so sick of love songs
Yeah, I hate damn love songs, memento of ours
First time blogging something related to korean. I'm gona practice to rap this part, Damn Coolio!!!. I'm really beat up by the projects thrown in semester, fucking alot of presentations!!! Nevertheless my mind is Eyed to SUZHOU!!!! China here comes the pain _|_ i'm so gona rock the school!!! 1 bottle everyweek! no one to control me, Hell gona break loose. _|_
School really rocks if study is pulled out from it. Just enjoyment of friends, shooting nonsense at each other. pointing finger for no fking reason and laughing after that :D Fucking loved school with the freedom to express!!! I'm gona judge now, So if u cant express yourself Just go fuck yourself!!!! :D
I FUCKING GAINED WEIGHT!!! I THINK I LOOK DAMN FAT NOW!!! I'm so going back to intense work out!!!! 3 days of swimming 3 days of running everyday 150 push up and sit ups!!!
Express myself this time with fucking pride!!!
stop bottling things up
it hurts to see
it hurts not knowing
express it out
it better *ahh*
Posted on 12:07 AM
by ken
| 0
Imagine a girl in front of you plucking a symphonic song, tree swaying to the cooling breeze. Feeling the wind sipping through your hair, time started slowing down around you. Watching things around you in details, in depth. An old man throwing down his fishing rod onto a clear flowing river. Next to you a wonderful partner you ever wanted ,experiencing every bit and pieces together with you. Giving each other the sweetest smile, looking deep into each other's eye, telling a story through them. While holding onto each others warm hands like your life depends on it.
Life like this is what i truly want
Posted on 12:33 AM
by ken
| 0
I cant backspace the things i've done i life neither can Alt F4.
Heavy burden,
i've hurt many i once hurt someone dearest to me,
never once use my head to think, must be stupid of me. It has always been
a greatest regret of mine to take you too lightly. I'm sorry for the things i've done
to you. i've been very regretful till nw. It must have been the most regretful things
i have ever done. I live in tremor hating myself, could i control myself? If i cant
i would not have any courage to hold anyone close to me.
What should i do?
Posted on 12:07 AM
by ken
| 0
I'll catch a grenade for you, are u gona catch mine?
Posted on 11:33 PM
by ken
| 0
The truth is pure
The truth hurts
The truth tells
The truth explains
The truth conclude
The truth is addictive
The truth is love
The truth is hated
The truth clears
The truth is you
The truth is me
The truth is everything
Speak the truth, It's what you need
Truth is the remedy for everything
Posted on 11:58 PM
by ken
| 0
There's a part of my life which has not been written.
A Chapter of my life which has yet been written. When will i be able to pen a word in it?
What word would i start that chapter with?
Transformer? Sucked badly!!!!
Enough of sucked up rainbow movies
Time for awesome rainbow Fuuuyooo Movie!!! ( Ice Princess )
Awesomenoic Shit man!!!! Got this quote " I'm Giving up on your dream, I'm Going after mine " Madly awesome SexBomb Quote.
It has always been a principal quote of mine "Live for yourself not for someone else"
" Live the way you wanted and die with no regrets " Has been there in my life always.
So whats my dream?
Thanks Lw for introducing me that movie *ahh* u know what that icon is :D
I've been really relaxed recently, i have removed a heavy Stress off myself. I felt as light as i once were. Feeling great :D
There is someone else just entered into my life. I find "Her" pretty awesome!!! Well i'm pretty awesome too...hahas
Really she's awesome, Love her Character as always i will take my time to get to know more. It just me, i'm always serious :D
Posted on 12:32 AM
by ken
| 0
i don't wana be a Hypocrite
Posted on 10:03 PM
by ken
| 0
You Got me LW " Addicted " My 2nd Chinese Song that i ever replay more then once
Posted on 11:04 AM
by ken
| 0
I wonder what i'm waiting for,
Awaiting for my confident to return?
Lets just say i lost something in the midst of all those time i was waiting.
The power to change someone's mind is a power i can never understand.
Why the important of you in my heart, just took a step backwards?
It actually felt great.
Confusion are dime and dozen. You'll get it alot, no point pondering so much about it. Look straight on the road ahead of you. You'll find a better path, might be small but at least it's a smooth small path for you to walk on.
When the lights turn green, there will be a time it gonna turn red. You'll never know when, just got to enjoy the moments in between. It's the moments in between that makes you grow mentally. Well i guess my red light just switched on,
On you.
Posted on 3:26 PM
by ken
| 0
It Didn't trigger the switch of mine
I'm questioning the power of Changes
Posted on 5:26 PM
by ken
| 0
I need to straighten myself out...
i'm messed up with my thinking
I want differentiate the feelings of love and Needs...
I'm out of luck....
Posted on 12:02 AM
by ken
| 0
It has been ages since i had second thoughts...
u remind me of someone i knew in the past..
Posted on 11:24 PM
by ken
| 0
It has been confusion parade these few days. Whats wrong with u seriously? What are u trying to prove...if i'm sharp enough to trust my instinct i think i know whats happening, seriously i know. I would not mind one day u come and confront me about it.
If u know me well enough, i don't mix relations. This is this, that is that. I Don't mix it. Hope u understand. Know this well, i choose who to spend my time with, i choose the people around me. There's a reason for it, i see potential in this friendship. If i don't see potential in others, i won't really give a shit about them. Hope u read this and get it into your head. I'm serious when handling relations..i'll go all the way for a good friendship.
Gona post this together.
About myself.
I really want to know everything. i really do.
I'm having serious doubt about my abilities after each night pass. I'm going into desperate period of my life. Mind is telling me this but society telling me otherwise. I'm doubting the mindset of females, Doesn't Gals like guys whom are deep? Anymore? So gals now sees Money? It's just whats going through my head...not pointing at anyone. I'm loosing faith in serious relationships...Sometimes i wonder why cant i be just a fking playboy...take relationship lightly.
Whereas Me always being serious with relationships i cant get the girl i want...
I have asked u once, it's gonna take a whole world of courage to ask u again.
Trust me it's hard it's confusing it's a pain in the heart just to think about it.
It's stressful, it's darnfuckingfuckedup...As long as there's a split second of silence i'll be thinking of you...I woke up thinking of you, Before sleeping i thought of you, Dreams about you.
It's never friends i wana be in the first place, it's never friend in the first place. I wonder how long i can pull through, Everyday have been telling myself to pull through this because as long as i'm able to see u for a second all my troubles all my worries all my stress just fades away.
Posted on 6:03 PM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 6:11 AM
by ken
| 0
i miss u yi dian dian?
For Real???
Not Good enough
Hey wassup boy...Guess you're on my dislike list.
Posted on 11:53 PM
by ken
| 0
Not anyone could meddle with me...but you're the only one i dun mind.
Matter in fact anything to do with you...i'm affected.
I hope u would share something about you to me, even something small...i'll be the
happiest guy on earth.
Posted on 2:40 AM
by ken
| 0
Believe it or not...i'm getting a strong feeling the end of world will happen soon enough...
Posted on 9:34 PM
by ken
| 0
When will i have the courage to ask u the second time?
Posted on 7:03 PM
by ken
| 0

It's a rumor said that tmr 21st may is the judgement day...well known as dooms day.
I personally think it's just stupid or fake...
to be on the safe side...WHO THE FUCK CARES.
But i do,
I cant handle the truth that you're out of my life...Even though you're just a friend
I just cant handle with just that...If i were to Pass without telling u everything
that is hold inside me...i'll have regret tattoo on myself...
Posted on 9:00 AM
by ken
| 0
It's Great to see people finding their true love....
Posted on 11:07 PM
by ken
| 0

Havent blog about my not interested to blog about it.
I really wana pillion you..Guess i have made a terrible mistake.
But i want u to trust me, with u i'm all safe. Your safety is everything.
As long i know you're safe my heart rest assures...
I'm always worrying about you.
Posted on 2:39 AM
by ken
| 0
now i know how much i care for u...everything i'm willing to sacrifice everything for you.
Everything i meant it..
Posted on 2:56 AM
by ken
| 0
I want to see u everyday everyhour everymin everysecond
Call me desperate.
I'll agree as i'm desperate for you.
Posted on 11:19 PM
by ken
| 0
Been through 3 days of 3rd year semester..i only can say..i'm not prepared
Have been Fking tired to the MAXIMAS!!! LATE FOR ALL MY MORNING LESSONS.
Lets just hope i could get up just enough time to reach school before my class starts.
DAMN IT MAN!!! MY BIKE!!! I DONO which to get!!??!! from shop or from user!!!
i hope i can fking make up my mind....And get my FUCKING HONDA NSR150 SP!!!!
Hhahas today just bought my first Full face helmet and a pair of H-tech Leather Gloves...Hope to ride safely only sia!!!
Posted on 12:10 AM
by ken
| 0
I'm feeling Good. I'm feeling Normal Once again.
Somethings stays the same.
What i've told u....I'm waiting.
I still am.
Posted on 11:49 PM
by ken
| 0

Most likely i'm getting this bike
Posted on 7:57 PM
by ken
| 0
What can i say?
Posted on 1:33 AM
by ken
| 0
Only royce and me same class....the rest all different sia.
Like this Semester will be surrounded by Unknown Boredom Beings sia
Haisszz Sianss balls
Posted on 12:55 AM
by ken
| 0
Love you
SweetDreams!:D Gal
Posted on 11:39 PM
by ken
| 0
I've passed my 8.01, that marks the journey for my TP test.
will i pass at my first try or after &%$#& tries.
up till now i've spent about $750+......
my pay for my work have to pay back my mom for bike licence sia...haiss my holiday is work work bike bike.....where got money buy bike sia...saddening : (
i wonder who will be the first person i pillion?
Most likely i wont pillion anyone during my 1st week and 2nd week after getting my bike. scared arh, wana kena accident i dun want anyone else to kena with me.
Especially you
Posted on 12:37 AM
by ken
| 0
You are the every reason that makes me now. Not the past but Now.
I live everyday keeping that reason in mind
living for that very reason
which is you
Posted on 12:26 AM
by ken
| 0
i Don't need anything else seriously.
i'm willing to sacrifice
All i need is you
Posted on 12:17 AM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 12:31 AM
by ken
| 0
I've set my eyes on you.
Right now you're not leaving out of my sight...
Posted on 12:23 AM
by ken
| 0
hope to give u this everynight
Posted on 11:48 PM
by ken
| 0
After listening to one song.
I'll convey this message to a special someone.
I gave u all i have
I gave u all my love
As long as u notice it, it's all i ask for.
Posted on 11:21 PM
by ken
| 0
Want speed dun fucking speed outside bbdc la CBK
Posted on 10:37 AM
by ken
| 0
Do u understand how i feel.
Do u know the pain i'm going through
Do u know the uncertainty i'm facing
Do u know how much i want to understand you
Do u know how Confused i am
Do u know how impatient i am
Do u know how much effort i put in
Do u know how much things i have neglected
Do u know how much i Love You?
Do u?
Posted on 1:27 AM
by ken
| 0
I think i should start understanding myself.
Posted on 12:52 PM
by ken
| 0
When i closed my eyes, all i can see
is you
Posted on 7:30 PM
by ken
| 0

I need to find everything i believe in. I need to find something to believe in. I need to find someone whom i can believe in. I need someone whom can share my pain. I need someone out there.
Posted on 4:54 PM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 11:39 AM
by ken
| 0
I want You
i dun want to lose u as a friend
Posted on 11:13 PM
by ken
| 0
Winston overseas
Gab Camp
Alvin national service
Really man!!! i'm going through maximum boredom ALL THE WAY!!!!
Seriously sia, i need to pass my licence faster!!!!!! so i can find friends and bring them around.
Want supper also hard
Royce also cant's bike only can have 1 more person...
If i got bike at least can go find jo at east side...
Fk la.....i want my licence faster!!!! my bike!!!!!! arh!!!!!!!
Please!!! please!!!! please!!!! ask me out anytime anywhere.
Posted on 9:44 PM
by ken
| 0
What i like,
Girls whom knows what she wants
(: Then i'll know her true-self)
Girls whom are hard to get
(: Then i'll know the relationship gonna last)
Are u?
Cos thats what i see in u.
Posted on 11:14 AM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 10:43 PM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 10:59 PM
by ken
| 0
this song just came crashing back into me.
Posted on 2:53 PM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 12:03 AM
by ken
| 0
I need help. i'm really confused
Posted on 11:11 PM
by ken
| 0
Today was a good day,
Being honest i got to say having u around feels great. It has always been heart pumping action having u around. I'm lying if i say i dun feel nervous having u around, but thats what feels great. Whatever u say it's just pure happiness to me. Your Smiles is greatness, your presence is everything. Countless adjectives to describe how happy i am having u around. You just make my day, week, month and my life.
i dono how long will it last.
All i can say is i'll work hard in everything i do. Including you
Posted on 12:59 PM
by ken
| 0

What am i gona do?
Posted on 11:09 PM
by ken
| 0
How i want to break into your heart, and place something dearest of mine in it.
Posted on 12:40 AM
by ken
| 0

Isn't this the best question everyone would wana be asked.
If someone were to ask me.
Ans : To be with u
Posted on 9:33 PM
by ken
| 0
Everything is so not F**kin Perfect
Posted on 12:31 PM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 11:10 PM
by ken
| 0
i've slim down from 68 to 58 WHATUP *high six*
Posted on 8:04 PM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 10:54 AM
by ken
| 0
It's has been a hundred times i've loved you
Posted on 9:55 AM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 4:22 PM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 8:54 AM
by ken
| 0
it's getting me everyday. my every dream. every time when i wake up. every time when going to sleep. every time when i have nothing to do. every time when i have something to do. i cant handle it. i really cant.
Posted on 1:04 PM
by ken
| 0
going through this again sucks. how many times do a person have to go through this hard times. i really very tired from all this. my mind is blowing up, my mood is crushed, my heart is heavy, my body feels weak. i really very tired. really very tired.
i'm clueless about everything. i'll get fet up with everything. u think i've learn my lesson by now?
My answer is no
Because you're my lesson
Posted on 4:06 AM
by ken
| 0

I guess i have some thinking to do
Posted on 10:43 PM
by ken
| 0
Tonight the sunset means so much
The one thing that you know you'll never touch
Like the feeling, the real thing
Gotta reach out for the sweet dream
But somehow the darkness wakes me up
Well I've felt this emptiness before
But all the times that I've been broken
I still run right back for more
You'd think that I'd learn my lesson by now
You'd think that I'd somehow figure out
That if you strike that match
You're bound to feel the flame
You'd think that I'd learn the cost of love
And paid that price long enough
But still I drive myself right through the pain
Well it turns out
I haven't learned a thing
Oh yeah
Sometimes I think I'm better off
To turn out the lights and close up shop
Didn't give up the longing, believing
And belonging
Just hold down my head and take the loss
You'd think that I'd learn my lesson by now
You'd think that I'd somehow figure out
That if you strike that match
You're bound to feel the flame
You'd think that I'd learn the cost of love
And paid that price long enough
But still I drive myself right through the pain
Well it turns out
I haven't learned a thing
You'd think that I'd learn my lesson by now
You'd think that I'd somehow figure out
That if you strike that match
You're bound to feel the flame
You'd think that I'd learn the cost of love
And paid that price long enough
But still I drive myself right through the pain
Yeah, well it turns out
I haven't learned a thing
I haven't learned a thing
I haven't learned, haven't learned
I haven't learned a thing
Posted on 9:50 PM
by ken
| 0

Posted on 9:37 PM
by ken
| 0

My heart feels so heavy.
So much uncertainty, so uneasy so much question.
Whats wrong?
whats the problem?
What am i?
who am i to you?
Really..what is the problem
Posted on 3:29 AM
by ken
| 0
Posted on 3:19 AM
by ken
| 0
To be a better person, making wiser decision.
Be more flexible with what i do.
Hey jovina you're part of my resolution