Posted on 10:01 PM
by ken
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After i got my ridiculous FYP done and over with. I have a impossible proposal from my uncle to take care of. Then i can go fking full time on my guitar and my Cooking lessons to capture a girl's Wounded thats gonna work. Hahas!!! hopefully able to finish the books i bought and hopefully gaining something Inspiring out from it. AND!!!!! hope!!!! i could actually get back into swimming and running!!! Got to burn those fking fats man. Fuck society for the importance of First Sight!!!
Posted on 3:17 AM
by ken
| 0
Bond between people is fascinating, I have wonderful bonds people around me.
Posted on 8:50 PM
by ken
| 0

I'm trying to achieve Simplicity in my life, you might not know it but being Simple is much harder then being complicated
Posted on 8:03 PM
by ken
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Trying to be cool with everything happening around me. *By Cool i mean Being okay with it* Putting up a strong front but deep down it hurts like fuck. How could someone comprehend such actions? How could i explain why people do this? Would taking a step backwards heal everything? Would things get better just by ignoring it and doing nothing? Weird how life revolves around us, things we just couldn't understand. Searching for truth is never easy might even be impossible but i'm sticking to it because that is what i lived for.
The Truth
Posted on 7:50 PM
by ken
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I'm seeking peace in both mind and body. Giving everything i have just for that peace.
How am i going to tackle life toughest decisions? Why am i always given tough decisions? Is this a test for me? will i seek what i'm seeking after going through this life test? I always believe everyone paths their own life, the choices you made, defines you. I really hope the choices i'm making now will allow me to be what i want.
All i could do is be there when you need, you seek happiness and thats what i'm giving. Bit by bit
Posted on 2:11 AM
by ken
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Making a change for myself, realizing what has to be done to keep the people around me.
A control freak comes hand in hand with a serious lifestyle. Got to change that for a peaceful life, i cant puppet the people around me...that a fact. That what i tried to do, coming to realize that just awful. Got to make this change or else i'll slowly lose the people i care about. I realize in my life, there's no one out there to control what i do. Call me weird or dumb but i really want to feel how it's like to have someone to control what i do. Its like there's no one out there that cares what i do.
Posted on 10:18 PM
by ken
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Sometimes no matter how much we wants to help by doing something, actually the best help is by doing nothing
Posted on 3:58 PM
by ken
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I've reached a higher heights in life, i'm about to take a big leap into a new world.
I'm MOTHERFUCKING Sexcited whats to come!!!! i'm Fking Excited!!!! So many things i wanna learn!!! i wanna master My Guitar i wanna be a bartender i wanna poke fun of guys whom havent enter Ns!!! I'm a man now!!!!
Posted on 10:53 PM
by ken
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A huge load of stress has been lifted off my shoulders, i truly realize the feeling of losing someone and getting them back, holding on it tighter then before. Losing someone you care about is painful..getting them back feels awesome, the feeling is indescribable the smile on your face means so much things. You just cant stop smiling.
The feeling of peaceful? Past Week has been a meaningful period of life for me, i was bombard with heavy loads of stresses. Now its seems it's getting better already, i'm able to get someone very close to me back. I'm making progress in my school work. All thats left is someone i care about.
I lost someone i hold dearly, she meant the whole world to me. I cant think of a day i didn't thought of her. I'm trying hard to make things right....back the way it was?? Nope, i do not want to be like the past. I want to start anew a new relationship with you. I blame myself for alot of things that happen...i asked myself isit always my fault? I blamed myself for things i couldn't understand. I really wish all the insecure all the disappointment all the sadness all the hatred all the misunderstand would just go away. When would i truly understand you? When would you allow me? Now...all i could do is wait.
Posted on 8:38 PM
by ken
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Keeping Composure, got to calm myself down
Focus on whats at hand, deal with it when the day comes
Posted on 3:56 PM
by ken
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I regretted not stopping you, if not all these would never happen
Posted on 5:55 PM
by ken
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I know it's selfish of me to only ask help when i need it. Please Don't take her away from me now, i still have so many things i want to do with her. I want her to be there in my life, i want her to be there when i get married and i want her to see my first child. So please Not now please not now...when i see her my heart just drop, it's so painful to see. I'm feeling so helpless.....
Posted on 6:51 PM
by ken
| 0

How u know He/She the right person
My Experiences
Makes you sad
Makes you happy
Makes you laugh
Makes you angry
Makes you jealous
Makes you cry
Makes you worried
Makes you feel Complete
You want them to feel safe with you around
You want them to say " I trust you "
You hate yourself the most if you knew you did something wrong to them
Makes you think everything would be better as long as they are around
Last person you think of before you sleep
First person you think of when you wake up
Love songs just seems much much more meaningful
You start doing things you cant explain
Their life prioritize before yours
You start to do all sorts of things just to bring back that smile on their face
You want them to notice you first before others
You want them to share their sorrows with you
You want them to share their joy with you
You want them to share their food with you
You want to share your food with them
Telling yourself if you could just hold their hand you'll be the happiest person in the universe
There are so many more, these are just the few I've experienced
You have all these feelings because of One reason... You Cared
Posted on 4:48 PM
by ken
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